Thursday, February 11, 2021

City of La Crosse members' input requested


As the city prepares to put together a climate action plan, they are seeking your input.

Complete La Crosse’s Energy Survey

This survey will help planners understand how our community thinks about and uses energy. Please complete the survey before March 5. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

We may be nearing some kind of peace with the coronavirus, but the climate crisis will require much more effort, determination, and change.

new study on 2015 Paris climate goals concludes that, "the probabilities of meeting their nationally determined contributions for the largest emitters are low, e.g. 2% for the USA and 16% for China. On current trends, the probability of staying below 2°C of warming is only 5%, but if all countries meet their nationally determined contributions and continue to reduce emissions at the same rate after 2030, it rises to 26%. If the USA alone does not meet its nationally determined contribution, it declines to 18%. To have an even chance of staying below 2 °C, the average rate of decline in emissions would need to increase from the 1% per year needed to meet the nationally determined contributions, to 1.8% per year." Or, in short, our targets are waaay too low and we're not even close to meeting them. and even if we do, 2% is too much.

This is a crisis for all of us exacerbated by the worship of money and the power of the wealthy to spread the other big lie, that human-cased global heating is a myth.

Completing this survey is one small step you can take to tell local leaders that this is important. There are others. 

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