Thursday, February 18, 2021

Information & Training

 On Wednesday, February 24, the Illinois Solar Energy Association will host an online program.about purchasing your very own EV. Register for the online event here.

On Thursday, February 25, the Wisconsin Sierra Club will host a training for members and others on working for a sustainable 21-23 budget. Details coming soon!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

City of La Crosse members' input requested


As the city prepares to put together a climate action plan, they are seeking your input.

Complete La Crosse’s Energy Survey

This survey will help planners understand how our community thinks about and uses energy. Please complete the survey before March 5. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

We may be nearing some kind of peace with the coronavirus, but the climate crisis will require much more effort, determination, and change.

new study on 2015 Paris climate goals concludes that, "the probabilities of meeting their nationally determined contributions for the largest emitters are low, e.g. 2% for the USA and 16% for China. On current trends, the probability of staying below 2°C of warming is only 5%, but if all countries meet their nationally determined contributions and continue to reduce emissions at the same rate after 2030, it rises to 26%. If the USA alone does not meet its nationally determined contribution, it declines to 18%. To have an even chance of staying below 2 °C, the average rate of decline in emissions would need to increase from the 1% per year needed to meet the nationally determined contributions, to 1.8% per year." Or, in short, our targets are waaay too low and we're not even close to meeting them. and even if we do, 2% is too much.

This is a crisis for all of us exacerbated by the worship of money and the power of the wealthy to spread the other big lie, that human-cased global heating is a myth.

Completing this survey is one small step you can take to tell local leaders that this is important. There are others. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Resolution in Support of National Transit Equity Day

National Transit Equity Day Resolution 
February 4, 2021

WHEREAS humanity is faced with the growing crisis of climate change, with record-breaking temperatures, with consequences including sea level rise, prolonged drought, more frequent wildfires, more severe storms and flooding, and spread of diseases; and

WHEREAS the effects of climate change disproportionately hurt workers, people of color, and poor people, and constitute a civil rights crisis of our time, as seen so vividly in the recent devastation from hurricane impacts in Texas, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Carolinas, and Florida, wildfires in California, flooding in the Midwest, and elsewhere; and

WHEREAS the overwhelming scientific consensus attributes the warming trend to human emissions of greenhouse gases from the combustion of fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal; and

WHEREAS it is essential for the survival of humanity to drastically cut our emissions of greenhouse gases and convert our economy to renewable non-emitting energy sources; and

WHEREAS emissions from the transportation system are a major part of greenhouse gas emissions; and

WHEREAS affordable, reliable public transit is an essential public service, on par with utilities such as water and electricity; and

WHEREAS unequal access to public transit based on race, income, and disability persist to this day, and have to a degree become worse, with cuts in public funding for transit and consequent fare increases in many transit systems; and

WHEREAS public transit jobs in the United States have historically been good jobs that paid family-supporting wages, but in parallel to the cuts in public funding for transit and the trend of increasing fares, there is a growing marginalization of transit workers, who are facing worsening work conditions and erosion of their collective bargaining rights; and

WHEREAS transitioning our transportation system from excessive automobile dependence to public transit, especially electrified public transit with electricity from renewable sources, is key to transitioning our economy from fossil fuels to renewable energy and cutting our greenhouse gas emissions; and

WHEREAS the required expansion of public transit to address the climate crisis provides an unprecedented opportunity to create a large number of good, high-skill, family-supporting transit operation jobs, as well as construction jobs for building new transit facilities; and

WHEREAS the growth of public transit will also reduce automotive pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter that have the worst impacts on the communities closest to highways and other major roads, which tend to be disproportionately communities of color and economically disadvantaged communities; and

WHEREAS increased community access to public transit, reduction in racial, economic and other disparities in access to transit and clean air and in the burden of climate change impacts, and increased opportunities for employment in good jobs, form a key part of a “just transition” from a carbon-intensive, fossil-fuel based, highly unequal extractive economy to a pollution-free, regenerative, renewable energy based, just economy;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Coulee Region Sierra Club Group supports the call to observe a Day of Action on Public Transportation as a Civil Right on February 4, 2021; and

RESOLVED that the Coulee Region Sierra Club will draw attention to the continuing racial, economic, and other inequalities in access to adequate public transit, and the need for affordable and accessible transit, through the Day of Action; and

RESOLVED that the Coulee Region Sierra Club will use the Day of Action to highlight the vital role that can be played by expansion of public transit in the required shift from a climate-destroying fossil fuel powered extractive economy to a climate-protecting, renewable-powered and regenerative economy, with a just transition for communities and workers; and

RESOLVED that the Coulee Region Sierra Club will support legislation at the Federal, state, and local levels that:

  • Increases public funding for transit, including funding to expand transit systems, especially in underserved neighborhoods, communities of color, economically disadvantaged communities, and communities burdened by pollution;

  • Eliminates or reduces fares for particular populations such as seniors, people with disabilities, and school and college students;

  • Increases the accessibility of public transit for people with disabilities;

  • Increases job opportunities in transit system operation as well as construction, and ensures that the new jobs pay family-supporting wages, provide good benefits, and give workers the opportunity to organize a union and bargain collectively without employer pressure and intimidation; and

  • Prioritizes the hiring of economically disadvantaged people, people of color, people from communities currently underserved by transit and/or overexposed to vehicular and other forms of pollution, people with disabilities, workers displaced from polluting industries, formerly incarcerated people, and other marginalized populations for transit operation and construction jobs.

Monday, February 1, 2021

February 2021 Newsletter


The Community Hearing on Transit Equity: A National Conversation
Wednesday, February 3 and Thursday, February 4 ONLINE
On February 4, a network of transit rider unions, community organizations, environmental groups and labor unions celebrate Transit Equity Day–a national day of action to commemorate the birthday of Rosa Parks by declaring that public transit is a civil right. Rosa Parks  refused to give up her seat on the bus to demand an end to segregation in the Montgomery, Alabama transit system. We make the connection to this act of resistance to highlight the rights of all people to high-quality public transportation run on clean/renewable energy. On February 3 and 4, the Community Hearing will feature testimonies from workers and riders who depend on transit. Community and labor organizers will act as hearing facilitators. We need to guarantee workers and riders from all walks of life and from all parts of the country have safe, affordable and reliable means of transportation to get to where they need to be, when they need to be there, without struggle, financial stress or prejudice. Sign up to testify or watch the proceedings at 

February 3 at 7 p.m. Wisconsin Forests at Risk with guest: Ron Eckstein, Green Fire
Hosted by Chippewa Valley Group  More details at
Wisconsin’s forests have made a remarkable recovery since the unsustainable cutting and clearing of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Now, the state’s forests are managed for ecological and social benefits in addition to economic considerations arising from timber harvest.

Ron Eckstein, chair of the Forestry Work Group for Wisconsin’s Green Fire, will review the age, composition, and structure of Wisconsin’s forests then examine significant threats and recommend mitigation actions. Ron will also highlight the important work being done by Wisconsin’s Green Fire, which was formed in 2017 to help local units of government, nonprofit organizations, media, decision makers and citizens get the scientific information they need to address local and regional natural resource issues.

Ron is retired from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources after 36 years as Wildlife Biologist at Rhinelander where he still resides. He worked on forest habitat and biodiversity issues as well as eagle and osprey recovery and wild rice conservation. In addition to his work for Wisconsin’s Green Fire, Ron continues to work on forestry and wildlife issues in volunteer leadership positions for several Wisconsin conservation organizations. 

READY FOR 100 IN YOUR TOWN   The Coulee Region Group’s Ready for 100 team successfully worked to encourage passage of resolutions  pledging a transition to renewable energy in the City of La Crosse (2019) and in La Crosse County (2020). That team will now work on pressing for concrete next steps to make those pledges a reality. If you would like to bring a similar initiative to your community, please email us. We can provide help with an action plan, resources, and advice. 

VERNON COUNTY R4100   Vernon County CRSC members! We need you to help with a new initiative to bring a Ready for 100 resolution to Vernon County. Partnering with Wisconsin Conservation Voters and Citizen Action Driftless Rural-Urban Co-op, the Coulee Region Group hopes to secure a commitment to act on climate. Email us for more details: . 

NEW PSC, NEW POSSIBILITIES     In a January 28 blog post, “Distributed Generation in Wisconsin: The Policy Changes We Need,” RENEW Wisconsin describes current restrictions on bringing solar-generated power to the Wisconsin energy grid. The Public Service Commission (PSC), a regulatory panel that oversees Wisconsin utilities, has the power to improve conditions for renewable generation. With new commissioner Tyler Huebner, clean energy  advocates are hopeful. Read more at  For more on what’s holding solar back in the United States, watch “Jonathan Scott’s Power Trip."

JANUARY 27 "CLIMATE DAY" IN THE WHITE HOUSE!     On January 27, “Climate Day,” President Biden signed  his “Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis At Home and Abroad.” The multi-part statement puts the climate crisis at the center of foreign policy, Department of Defense policies, international priorities, and his domestic agenda. As promised, President Biden is weaving action on climate crisis with other priorities, including his Buy American agenda and his determination to include racial justice in every part of his administration.

The Sierra Club, in celebrating these “go big” actions by the Biden Administration, notes, “People like you are responsible for the pace and intensity of Biden’s Day One actions on climate and the environment. The environmental movement called on the president to make his climate and environmental justice platform the most ambitious of any major party nominee, and it worked hard to help him win the presidency. We should feel proud to see our efforts pay off so immediately and so spectacularly.”

To read the details of the Climate Day executive order, visit

RENEWABLE/ENERGY SAVING CREDITS EXTENDED     Tax credits for residential energy efficiency have now been extended retroactively, through December 31, 2021.  The tax credit for builders of energy efficient homes and tax deductions for energy efficient commercial buildings have also been retroactively extended, through December 31, 2021.

The tax credits for residential renewable energy products are still available through December 31, 2021. Renewable energy tax credits for fuel cells, small wind turbines, and geothermal heat pumps now feature a gradual step down in the credit value, the same as those for solar energy systems. Use up to 30% less energy in your home by outfitting it with ENERGY STAR certified products. Learn more and find products at

Focus on Energy is Wisconsin’s 20 year old energy efficiency and renewable resource program. Get a free energy pack to help you save energy, on lighting and heating,  find rebates and incentives for purchasing and installing energy efficient appliances and systems, find an energy advisor, get a home energy audit, or learn how your business can improve its efficiency and bottom line. For program details and more ways to save energy, see
COULEE REGION PEOPLE: LILY HERLING     This month we talk to UW-Madison freshman, Lily Herling, a graduate of Central High School in La Crosse.

What got you interested in the environment?  My mom’s parents lived through the Great Depression and I was raised to live frugally.  Friends actually got me  involved, starting Fridays for Future at Central, which then became Youth Climate Action Team. So, part of my original involvement was just doing something with friends; I wasn’t driven by super powerful environmental morals. But, after getting involved, the more I learned the more I started to care. Once you learn what’s going on and how much we’re destroying the Earth, and how it impacts people and future generations, you can’t really go back. Now I’m trying to figure out my activism with personal environmental commitments.

When did you move from participation to being more of an organizer?   I don’t really think of myself as a leader. I don’t like to make decisions; it scares me to be in charge. I like to have something purposeful to do, though, so getting involved showed me how fulfilling it is. I have joined a few clubs at UW-Madison, like Campus Leaders for Energy Action Now.

Do you have a main environmental concern?
We keep using fossil fuels and it shouldn’t be that hard to get off by using solar, wind, and geothermal. We have renewables, but we’re still investing in fossil fuels and the change isn’t being made fast enough. Even though, apparently, Shell and other energy companies are starting to transition away from fossil fuels, we are still not making changes fast enough. I definitely don’t understand all the nuances of policies, but government has subsidized the fossil fuel industry and infrastructure and that should change. A big part will be relocalizing the energy supply. I don’t think we should let giant corporations control renewable energy. We have to take personal responsibility and recognize environmental injustice. A small fraction of the population is responsible for producing most emissions.  But those who produce the least are bearing the brunt of the harm.

What are your favorite outdoor activities?  Going on walks, hiking, and biking. Being in the natural world is very restorative. I’ve hear about Forest Bathing and I think what I like to do could be called “wind bathing.” I love feeling the strong winds on top of the bluffs. As a Christian, to me,  being in nature is like an act of worship.

How has environmentalism affected you?
I’m not sure, but if I look forward five years, I know I want to do something that makes a difference. I don’t want to just maintain but improve or change the way things are--find a balance--by embracing stewardship.
Do you have a 2021 environmental wish?
That president Biden is able to follow through with his promises to start taking meaningful climate action. If we don’t see a transition in the next four years, we’re in trouble. Part of that needs to be rejoining the Paris agreement to push rest of world toward action.
Fridays for Future-led Climate Action March in La Crosse, September 20, 2019. Picture by Janette Dean, Caledonia, Minnesota. 
February 3 - Virtual tour of Glacier National Park.

February 5-7: Becoming an Outdoors-Woman  weekend at UW-SP.

February 20-21 - PBS Wisconsin Garden & Landscape Expo online.

February 24-27 - The Slumberland American Birkie! Participate from home at
HELP     Need help with newsletter! Can you write about what’s happening in your community, submit calendar or action items, or interview local Sierra Club members or activists in your county? Help make the newsletter better and more useful! Please email