Take the Personal Climate Footprint Pledge

As the founders of the Citizen's Climate Pledge (Myrskyvaroitus) state, 
Even if countries strictly implement their respective greenhouse gas emission reductions under the Paris Agreement, the way things currently stand that would still mean an increase in the global average temperature of 2.7 to 3.0° C. To stay below the 2° C limit, or better below 1.5° C, we need much tighter country-level targets and significant additional actions by non-state actors, like cities, businesses, civil society organizations and individual citizens. Timing is crucial, we should aim at as large a change as possible within the next 5-10 years.

Non-state actors are mobilizing, including cities and local authorities through initiatives like the C40 group and the Covenant of Mayors. The Energy Efficiency Accelerator, launched at the UN Climate Summit in New York in 2014, has prompted a large number of cities to set their climate targets and strengthen action. Leading companies are also taking action. The We Mean Business coalition has attracted hundreds of companies and investors with total assets in the trillions of US dollars, who have committed to various climate actions. The Ready for 100 initiative has the support of more than 100 mayors around the United States, with more signing on every day.
 Which pledge you choose is not important as that you choose to make a personal pledge to reduce your own climate footprint and work to reduce emissions from other groups, programs, and communities to which you belong.

This page includes a sample pledge. Use it if you wish. Whatever your decide, use the tools below to assess your climate footprint, and to find ways to reduce your climate footprint. 


The Pledge

I promise to do my best to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by me and to cut my personal climate footprint by half within ten years. If possible, I will work to cut my climate footprint by 20% by the year 2020.

To achieve the target, I will assess my climate footprint – my energy use, eating, entertainment, recreation, financial and consumption habits, electronic devices, modes of transportation, and household appliances and will make a clear plan to change it.

I pledge to educate others in my workplace, school, community, faith group, and in my other circles about the climate situation and to work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in those areas as well.

I pledge to join and work with groups, organizations, offices, and initiatives dedicated to increasing low-carbon options for and reducing the climate footprint of public utilities, services, and infrastructure.

I pledge to find and, where possible, work for, donate to, and/or vote for candidates for local, state, and national office who are dedicated to immediate and serious efforts to reduce the climate footprint of my municipality, my county, my state, and our country.

I pledge to offset unavoidable emissions which I cannot reduce with United Nations-certified credits (Certified Emission Reductions), to become climate neutral now.


The Tools
Assess your climate footprint:
Reduce your climate footprint:
Join with others
JOIN THE COULEE REGION SIERRA CLUB'S READY FOR 100 TEAM!  We are working to support Mayor Kabat's pledge to move the city of La Crosse to 100% renewable energy by a set deadline and to provide support and tools for others in our region so they can encourage their municipalities to sign on to the pledge.

If you are interested in joining us, please email crsierraclub@gmail.com

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