Friday, May 31, 2019

June Newsletter

Next Meeting - Potluck Picnic, Tuesday, June 25 5 to 8 p.m. Rowe Park, Onalaska, Shelter #2  Join Sierra Club friends for food and fun at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25 at ONALASKA’S ROWE PARK, Shelter #2. From La Crosse, drive north on Rose Street (Hwy 35) to Onalaska. Turn right onto Oak Forest Drive (by the Kwik Trip). At the second intersection, turn left onto Hilltopper Drive and then stay right onto Park Drive. Continue to
the large stone shelter at the top of the hill. The park is easily accessible from the interstate (La Crosse Exit 3 north to Onalaska) and from the north as well.

Please bring a dish to pass AND, TO REDUCE WASTE, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN
. Some beverages will be provided. Bring a guest! Contact us at or call 608-315-2693 with questions. (For a map of the park, visit

Communicating about the Climate Crisis  In April, Public Citizen reported that the national media is failing to cover the severity of the climate crisis. They found that in 2018, only 3.5 percent of segments mentioning climate change referred to it as a crisis or emergency. The situation improved temporarily at the beginning of 2019, but most segments, “merely discussed the hypothetical designation of climate change as a national emergency by a future president.” Sign the petition demanding better reporting at One positive change: the Guardian (UK) has updated its style guidelines and will now refer to “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown” and “global heating.”

On Thursday, May 7, the Coulee Region Sierra Club and La Crosse People’s Food Co-op co-sponsored a Green New Deal Town Hall in support of the Green New Deal Tour. The tour and town halls were organized by the Sunrise Movement. The group’s next goal is to ensure that the climate crisis is a top issue in presidential candidate debates. Their #ChangeTheDebate initiative is encouraging debate watch parties on June 26 (Miami debate) and is asking those who can to attend the debates in Detroit on July 30 and 31. Read more at

On Saturday, May 18, Casey Meehan, PhD, Director of the Sustainability Institute at Western Technical College led a TEDxUWLaCrosse salon program on talking about climate change. The event included two TED talk videos and a participant discussion. The TED talk by Per Espen Stoknes, “How to transform apocalypse fatigue into action on global
warming,” ( gives clear, useful ideas for talking to others about the issue.

Studies continue to show that previous climate predictions have been too conservative, but governments and businesses are still planning expansion of drilling, fracking, plastic production, and even fossil fuel exports. Personal action is required, including talking with everyone we know. Climate activists are also ensuring the issue remains in the news by holding Climate Strikes, challenging fossil fuel supporting businesses at shareholders’ meetings, personally divesting from fossil fuels, lobbying local and state governments to pledge local climate action (like Ready For 100 resolutions), and interacting with local media. A world-wide Climate Strike is being planned for September 20. Keep up on that event and other Coulee Region group actions at our blog:

Black River Family Canoe Camping Trip, July 13-14  This kid-friendly trip is offered to encourage young families, adults with kids and the young-at-heart to join us on the water. We'll stop to play and explore, cook out and sleep in tents on a sandbar. There is NO CHARGE for the trip, but you must provide your own boat, gear, food, and transportation. Sign up by contacting co-leaders Kevin and Carol Olson: 608-356-8992 or 608-963-2678 or or Pat and Bobbie Wilson at or 608-788-8831. Online details at

Help Wanted!  We are seeking members who live outside of the La Crosse/Onalaska area to submit a blog post and/or an article about an environmental or outdoor activity happening in your area of the Coulee Region. We can include your event in our calendar, note your issue in a blog post, include a report in our newsletter, or set you up as a regional correspondent for our blog site and monthly newsletter. Please email!

Ready for 100 Team Update  A resolution pledging a move to renewable energy in the city of La Crosse will be taken up this summer by the city council. The CRSC Ready for 100 teams will call upon city residents to show support at committee and council meetings when the schedule is finalized. The Sustainable La Crosse Commission will work on a similar recommendation for La Crosse County. Other communities in the Coulee Region group are encouraged to start a Ready for 100 push. The John Muir Chapter Sierra Club and Wisconsin Conservation Voters plan to introduce a toolkit for communities this month. In the meantime, the Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 site has many links, templates, and suggested actions. Read more at

Communications Update  This is one of four newsletters that we mail annually to  members who don’t receive electronic communication. Some people do not “do” online and for them, the paper newsletter is the only way to learn what the Coulee Region group is doing. If you do use a computer and have an email address, consider that paper newsletters cost money, resources, and time spent by a few volunteers copying, collating, taping, labeling, transporting, and mailing. If you can switch to online only, PLEASE DO! Email us at or call Pat at 608-788-8831 We’ll send you one email per month, letting you know when the new newsletter is available. You can print your own hard copy if you need one. Online resources include our Twitter account, @CRSierraClub, web page, wisconsin/coulee, and blog site, Subscribe to the blog to get new posts automatically emailed to you. Our newsletter is published online every month at the blog site and is available to download from our web page.

Water Quality Task Force  Assembly Speaker Robin Vos’ Task Force on Water Quality, a 16 member bi-partisan group, was launched in January, shortly after the Southwest Wisconsin Groundwater and Geology Study (SWIGGS) found high levels of contamination in Grant, Lafayette, and Iowa county wells. The task force is supposed to investigate and come up with solutions. They will hold hearings around the state. Groups, businesses and individuals may comment at the hearings or online. We believe there will be a hearing in La Crosse on Thursday, June 13. If you or your business, organization, family or neighbors are experiencing troubles because of contaminated or polluted ground or surface water, please plan to make a statement. If you plan to testify, please email so we can let the local organizer know. Keep up on the Task Force schedule and submit comments at

30th Annual Energy Fair  The 30th annual Midwest Renewable Energy Fair will be held in Custer, Wisconsin (near Stevens Point) from June 21 through June 23. More than 250 workshops will be offered on renewables, jobs and businesses, government relations, new ideas, climate crisis, and more. CRSC member Pete Gruendeman will present on Photovoltaics for Domestic Hot Water at 10 a.m. on Saturday. This year’s special  programming will include a screening of the documentary, Solar Roots - The Pioneers of PV and speakers, Rosa Clemente, Naomi Oreskes, Curt Meine and Bethany McLean. Vendors, activities, solar tours, tiny homes, demonstration vehicles, and more round out the full weekend of renewable education and motivation. Information about tickets and a schedule of workshops are available at

TRANSPORTATION: Xcel Energy is sponsoring a free bus on Saturday from Eau Claire with a stop in Osseo at 7:15 a.m. (returns to Osseo at 9:30 p.m.) Sign up online at In addition, the Energy Fair is hosting an online ride share tool to help connect those driving to the fair with those who need a ride ( and there is a shuttle that runs regularly from lots in Stevens Point to the fair grounds.

June 1-8 Wisconsin Bike Week  The Wisconsin Bike Fed, in cooperation with dozens of state and local organizations and businesses, is sponsoring Wisconsin Bike Week from June 1 through June 8 ( Many communities will host special rides, promotions and events to celebrate the wonderful bicycle - an efficient and clean method of transportation, a family friendly recreation vector, and a health-improving, fun, amazing way to spend time. La Crosse is a hub for many activities which will kick off on June 1 with a Caledonia Street Block Party and continue with group rides, ride promotions, ride workshops, games and activities (see link for full schedule).

On Tuesday, June 4, you can Ride with the Mayor, a chance to see new infrastructure, learn about planned updates, meet up with other bicycle advocates, and talk with elected leaders and planners. This year’s ride begins at Green Island Ice Arena (2312 7th St S) at 9:45 a.m. Everyone is welcome. On Saturday, June 8, a Bicycle Benefits Ride will introduce participants to “Bicycle Benefits” businesses in the city which offer discounts and benefits to those who arrive by bike and have a $5 Bike Benefits sticker on their helmets. The ride starts at 1 p.m. at Cameron Park. In addition, the annual OPEN STREETS block party will be held on Sunday, June 9 from 1 to 4 p.m. along Main Street from 9th Street to Fifth Avenue South. The Coulee Region Sierra Club will have a table at this community event (if you would like to help staff the table please sign up at

Program Ideas?  Our Sierra Club hosts four programs per year but we are interested in doing more if members wish. Do you have an idea for a program, speaker, film or field trip? If so, please contact us with more details. Right now we are looking for program ideas for our September meeting. We would especially welcome opportunities to connect outside of the La Crosse/ Onalaska area. Email us with your ideas! 

Boomerang Bags ( is a worldwide initiative to make reusable shopping bags from existing fabric items. If you would like to help start a La Crosse area bag-making group, please email (subject: bags)

Beyond Natural Gas  2019 is a critical year for Minnesota and Wisconsin as our states work together to grow renewable energy and reduce pollution from fossil fuels. Dairyland Power in Wisconsin and Minnesota Power in Minnesota are asking regulators for permission to build a new fracked gas power plant in northern Wisconsin.

Fracked gas is a danger to our health and environment across its entire life cycle, and it’s a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. The science is very clear that in order to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, we need to move toward 100% clean energy as quickly as possible, not invest in more fossil fuels.

Right now Wisconsin’s Public Service Commission is accepting public comments and the Sierra Club is collecting petition signatures. Please take a few minutes to fight this fossil fuel plan. Visit

Highway Cleanup  Our summer cleanup of River Valley Drive will be on Tuesday, July 2 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Meet at the pumping station just northwest of the Gilette Street intersection. Vests, gloves, and bags will be provided. Consider applying bug and sun protection. For more info, contact Pat or Bobbie at 608-788-8831 or MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

June 4 Transportation Call In Day

From the state chapter:

Hello everyone -

In one week, on June 4, we are co-hosting another call-in day about transportation in the state budget. Please mark your calendar to make a call and help us spread the word!

All of the details, including a script, are pasted below and are also available in this Facebook event:  

RSVP here to get a reminder and the script sent to you on June 4:

When: Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Hello, my name is ____________, I’m from ____ , and I am calling about the state budget. I'm calling to ask you to consider Wisconsin's transportation spending priorities. I care about this because ______. 

In this state budget, I request that you do not enumerate any new highway expansion projects that are costly to taxpayers and brings more cars to the road rather than improve traffic. Instead, please fund local priorities: a $40 million increase to local roads, a $36 million increase to public transit, and a $6 million increase to specialized transportation that benefits seniors and people with disabilities. 

Please build a transportation system that gets Wisconsinites where we need to go. Thank you.

Joint Finance Committee Acting Chairs:
Representative Nygren (Co-Chair)           608 266 2343
Senator Olsen (Acting Co-Chair)              608 266 0751  

Monday, May 27, 2019

May 30 - How others are moving to renewables

From a local company:

Please join us Thursday, May 30 at 6 pm at Hackberrys (above the People Food Co-op). Talk (and eat - food available from the co-op if you wish) with a guest from the Netherlands, Anna Melnyk.

Anna is a PhD candidate in the ERC Advanced Grant research project “Design for Changing Values” headed by Professor Ibo van de Poel. Prior to joining TU Delft in early 2019, she obtained MSc in Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (University of Twente) specializing in technologies and values. 

[UPDATE: We have edited to more accurately reflect the intent and scope of Anna's visit. Translation issues!] She was invited to meet La Crosse's local community on the interactional workshop and discuss the expectations of locals on the subject of  transition to Clean Energy in La Crosse. That will help many leading edge local CONSTRUCTION companies to understand better how likely La Crosse and when could switch to renewable energy.

As we are all aware, the Netherlands aims to switch 100% to renewable energy by 2025, and Anna will able to share experience and knowledge about programs European countries use to encourage people take this big step into "clean energy" future.

For more information about host (Bluffview Group Development) or email Olena
Would be happy to see you!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Just say NO to more fossil fuels!

It's time to leave dirty fuels behind

2019 is a critical year for Wisconsin and Minnesota as our states work together to grow renewable energy and reduce pollution from fossil fuels.

Dairyland Power in Wisconsin and Minnesota Power in Minnesota, are asking regulators for permission to build a new fracked gas power plant in northern Wisconsin. Fracked gas is a danger to our health and environment across its entire life cycle, and is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. The science is very clear that in order to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, we need to be moving towards 100% clean energy, not investing in more fossil fuels.

At this very moment, Wisconsin is accepting public comments about this proposed fracked gas plant, and your voice is critical. Send in a comment against this gas plant and in support of clean energy.

Sign the petition and send your comments using this link.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Climate "die in" in Viroqua Friday

As part of a world-wide effort to highlight the catastropic effects of climate crisis, Viroqua Climate Action will hold a CLIMATE DIE-IN on Friday, May 24 from 12:30 to 3:00 pm in at the intersection of Main and Court Streets in Viroqua.

Signs about CLIMATE CRISIS are welcome as well as signs highlighting possible mitigation of the worst effects like GREEN NEW DEAL.

Just this week another major report has been published showing that, once again, predictions, this time about sea level rise, have been too conservative. The report says that a rise of seven or eight feet, not three, will likely occur by 2100.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

30th annual Energy Fair

The 30th Annual Energy Fair will take place June 21-23 in Custer (near Stevens Point) with workshops, displays, classes, speakers, and exhibits. Xcel Energy is sponsoring a free bus from Eau Claire (there's a stop in Osseo) until seats are filled. Get more information about the fair, including ticket and camping info, at the Energy Fair site.

Friday, May 17, 2019

May 19 - Solving the Climate Crisis


Sunday, May 19, 2019  3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Richland Center Senior Community Center, 1050 N. Orange Street, Richland Center

Presenter Bob Lindmeier, has been the Chief Meteorologist at WKOW-TV in Madison for the past 40 years.  Bob uses his many years of experience as an atmospheric scientist, closely following the issue of climate change to offer education on:

●  How humans cause climate change
●  The impacts from climate change locally, nationally, and globally
●  The overwhelming consensus in the scientific community
●  What you can do to be part of the solution

Contact Tom Wilson for car pool opportunity:

Thursday, May 9, 2019

La Crosse County Water Challenges and Improvement Opportunities
Thursday, May 16 5:30 – 6:30 PM 
Basement Auditorium (Room 0430), La Crosse County Admin. Center 212 6th Street N.

The Sustainable La Crosse Commission will host a public program about issues related to ground
and surface water quality in La Crosse County and surrounding areas.

Nitrates in  well water and its impact on health

The first topic will include a discussion on groundwater nitrate contamination from animal
production units and other sources. This topic has received attention lately because of the results
of studies conducted in the Towns of Onalaska and Holland on nitrate levels in local resident’s wells.

The panelist for this portion will be Jennifer Rombalski, La Crosse County Health Department.

La Crosse River watershed

The second topic will include a discussion on opportunities to use “nutrient credits” derived from shoreline improvements establishment of buffer zones, etc. to offset more stringent output water phosphorus levels that the La Crosse Sanitary Sewer Utility will be facing in the future.
The panelist for this portion will be Karl Green, UW Madison Division of Extension La Crosse County

The second topic is directly related to a goal that has been established by the Sustainable La Crosse Commission – Water Work Group: To restore water quality of the rivers, streams, lakes and ponds that make up La Crosse River watershed by concentrating efforts to reduce non-point source phosphorus pollution and advocate for stream bank protection, restoration and permanent easements with the goal of removing the La Crosse River from the “Impaired” water classification, as established by the WI DNR.

Thank you for your interest in water sustainability. We hope that you can attend, learn, provide your input and help us to achieve our goal.

About the Sustainable La Crosse Commission:
In 2009, the City and County of La Crosse passed a join resolution establishing a “joint long-term sustainability committee.” The Commission created a Strategic Plain for Sustainability and works to advise and make recommendations on policy and funding related to sustainability and to educate the public about sustainability issues.
For more information, contact Rick Cornforth Sustainability Commission Chair,

Friday, May 3, 2019

Green New Deal Town Hall May 7

Green New Deal Town Hall announced for the Greater La Crosse region

La Crosse, WI -- La Crosse tri-state area students, community members, and local leaders will host a town hall for the region on Tuesday, May 7 at 6:00 p.m. at Hackberry's Bistro above the People's Food Co-op, 315 Fifth Avenue South, to launch the next phase of the campaign for the Green New Deal.

At the town hall, attendees will learn how a 10-year mobilization can avert the worse effects of climate change and create millions of good jobs, improving the lives of people in La Crosse and the region. 

This town hall will be one of over 300 similar events happening in classrooms, community centers, churches, and union halls across the country this spring as part of the national Road to a Green New Deal tour.

Co-sponsors of the event include the Coulee Region Sierra Club, La Crosse Peoples Food Co-op, La Crosse Area SURJ, and Coulee Region Climate Alliance. Other area sustainability leaders have been invited to participate. Speakers will highlight the urgent need to drastically reduce carbon emissions and create many new green jobs for all to help build a truly sustainable economy that improves all lives in the process. 

Speakers include:
  • Janette Dean, MN 350 Policy Action Team Member: Will give the latest updates on efforts in MN & other states in the Midwest to pass statewide Green New Deals.
  • Cathy Van Maren, Coulee Region Sierra Club Ready for 100 Team Member: Will share information about regional communities working on pledges to get 100% of energy needs 
  • from renewables as soon as possible
  • Peter Gorski, La Crosse Area SURJ member: Will talk about how the Green New Deal addresses historic and present environmental racism
  • Terrence Daniels, technology and environmental activist: Will report on climate activism  and how and why it's vital that individuals get involved

  • Invited: Nick Nichols, La Crosse County Sustainability Coordinator

· More to be announced

If your group or organization would like to speak or co-sponsor, please email subject=GNDTH