Thursday, July 30, 2020

La Crosse County members - your action requested now!

Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, Citizen Action, and NextGen members have signed petitions, emailed their local elected officials, and published letters to the editor calling for the La Crosse County Board to set a goal of 100 percent clean energy by 2050.
The La Crosse County Board is listening!
On Monday, Aug. 3, the La Crosse County Planning, Resources, and Development Committee will consider a resolution to set a goal of 100 percent clean energy by 2050 and will offer the first opportunity for the community to show support for clean energy directly and publicly. 
We don't need to wait for the state and federal government to do something about clean energy. We can make change now in our local communities. Communities like Eau Claire and Green Bay have proven that real change can happen right now on the local level.

Here are the two ways you can show your support:
  1. Speak up at the meeting for the public comment period at 5 p.m. at the county building (212 6th St. N., La Crosse) in the County Board Room (# 1700). Official testimony may only be given in person. See the agenda here

  2. Email or call the committee members with support for the resolution before the meeting on Monday
Patrick Scheller,, 608-769-8502
Dan Hesse,, 608-797-4696
Peggy Isola,, 608-519-7365
Rick Cornforth,, 608-781-0210
Kevin Hoyer,, 608-786-0058
Karen Keil,, 608-385-0280
Dale Hewitt (La Crosse County Planning Staff), 

Public speaking not your thing? Sign our petition here or send an email to the full County Board here. Or do both!

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