Thursday, May 9, 2019

La Crosse County Water Challenges and Improvement Opportunities
Thursday, May 16 5:30 – 6:30 PM 
Basement Auditorium (Room 0430), La Crosse County Admin. Center 212 6th Street N.

The Sustainable La Crosse Commission will host a public program about issues related to ground
and surface water quality in La Crosse County and surrounding areas.

Nitrates in  well water and its impact on health

The first topic will include a discussion on groundwater nitrate contamination from animal
production units and other sources. This topic has received attention lately because of the results
of studies conducted in the Towns of Onalaska and Holland on nitrate levels in local resident’s wells.

The panelist for this portion will be Jennifer Rombalski, La Crosse County Health Department.

La Crosse River watershed

The second topic will include a discussion on opportunities to use “nutrient credits” derived from shoreline improvements establishment of buffer zones, etc. to offset more stringent output water phosphorus levels that the La Crosse Sanitary Sewer Utility will be facing in the future.
The panelist for this portion will be Karl Green, UW Madison Division of Extension La Crosse County

The second topic is directly related to a goal that has been established by the Sustainable La Crosse Commission – Water Work Group: To restore water quality of the rivers, streams, lakes and ponds that make up La Crosse River watershed by concentrating efforts to reduce non-point source phosphorus pollution and advocate for stream bank protection, restoration and permanent easements with the goal of removing the La Crosse River from the “Impaired” water classification, as established by the WI DNR.

Thank you for your interest in water sustainability. We hope that you can attend, learn, provide your input and help us to achieve our goal.

About the Sustainable La Crosse Commission:
In 2009, the City and County of La Crosse passed a join resolution establishing a “joint long-term sustainability committee.” The Commission created a Strategic Plain for Sustainability and works to advise and make recommendations on policy and funding related to sustainability and to educate the public about sustainability issues.
For more information, contact Rick Cornforth Sustainability Commission Chair,

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