Thursday, February 28, 2019

Climate Action Festival this Saturday!

The Coulee Region's fourth annual Climate Action Festival is this Saturday, March 2, from 1:00-4:00 at the First Congregational Church in La Crosse (2503 Main St.). Our Sierra Club group will be tabling, along with Citizens' Climate Lobby, Friends of the Marsh, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Full Circle Supply, Coulee Region Ecoscapes,  La Crosse Area Transit Advocates, Olson Solar Energy, Mississippi Valley Conservancy, Smith's Bike Shop, Small Family Farm CSA, The Sustainability Institute at Western Technical College, Wild Clover (Holistic Sustainable Living), Winona Climate Action Network, and information on a climate-friendly diet.

The event will include break-out sessions (short presentations/discussions) - here's the schedule:
1:30 - Feeding a sustainable future: The power of the plate in addressing the climate crisis
2:00 - Leave your car at home - or get rid of it altogether! (discussion panel)
2:30 - Owning an electric vehicle: What's it really like?
3:00 - How to combat the climate crisis in your own back yard, with Coulee Region Ecoscapes

There will be a snack "buffet" with contributions from volunteers - if you would like to contribute something to the buffet, items can be dropped off starting at 12:30 (or brought when you come to the event!). Hope to see you there!!

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