Thursday, January 31, 2019

Climate and Energy Dialogue to Continue

We have two announcements related to our recent climate and energy discussion. First, as part of our Ready for 100 campaign, we've created a community energy survey to better understand our community's feelings/thoughts on transitioning to renewable energy. At this point we are limiting it just to La Crosse County, since that is where we are working on Ready for 100% resolutions (city and county level). We will be sharing the results with any city and county decision makers that are interested. Click here to take the survey, and feel free to share it with others! If you know of other communities in the Coulee Region that would like to start a Ready for 100 campaign, let us know and we can help get them started!

Second, we will be hosting an informal brainstorming session next Tuesday, Feb. 5 from 6:15-6:45 pm (before the Sierra Club program) at the Three Rivers House (724 Main St.) to follow-up on our Climate Resolutions discussion. The goal will be to come up with ideas for accomplishing the priority next step of communication/education that we identified: Who should we be educating/communicating with and how? What existing resources can we use? What can we start doing now that will make a difference? Anyone who is interested in talking about climate and renewable energy is welcome to attend, whether or not you were at the original community discussion. If you have any questions, or if you can't attend but have ideas you'd like to share, please feel free to contact us (!

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