Monday, February 13, 2017

March 2 - Making walking & biking routine

Many communities in the United States, from small towns to large cities, are promoting walking and bicycling for routine travel—to work, school, church, stores, and other common activities.  By shifting some routine automobile trips to walking and bicycling, leaders believe that they can improve the health, environment, economy, and attractiveness of their local communities. 

These goals emphasize that creating better streets and pathways for pedestrians and bicyclists can help attract new workers, tourists, and make the community more enjoyable and sustainable for all residents, including people who don’t own cars. 

As a result, walking and bicycling are on the rise.  This presentation will focus on strategies to increase walking and bicycling and will include examples from leading communities in the United States.

Robert J. Schneider, an Associate Professor in the  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee department of Urban Planning, will present a free public talk on the UW-L campus: "Strategies to Make Walking & Bicycling Routine: Examples from Leading Communities."  Thursday, March 2nd from 4-5pm in 1400 Centennial Hall, with refreshments beforehand in the Centennial Hall of Nations.

Sponsors: UWL Department of Geography and Earth Science, Environmental Studies, History Department and the City of La Crosse.

Please come if you are a walker and/or a bicyclist AND help us spread the word!

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