Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 10 Rally to stop frac sand mining

On May 10 and 11, a frac sand conference will be held at the La Crosse Center.

The National Sierra Club's position on fracking is that it should end as soon as possible because it is a threat to our climate and pollutes air and water.

The John Muir chapter of the Sierra Club is working to block destructive mining in our state including frac sand mining. Trempealeau and Monroe counties, part of the Coulee Region Sierra Club, are dealing with environmental, economic, and community disruption caused by frac sand mines and frac sand processing facilities.

An ad hoc group of regional groups and organizations, The Alliance to Ban Frac Sand Mining and Address Climate Change, will hold a peaceful family friendly rally on the plaza outside the La Crosse Center (Second and Jay Streets) on Tuesday, May 10 at 5 p.m. to highlight the dangers to our environment, our existing businesses, our health, our communities and our planet of continuing use of fossil fuels.

More details are here. Please plan to participate and/or share this information with other groups who may be interested in co-sponsoring this event.

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