Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February newsletter


Transit to Trails for All    As part of Transit Equity Days, which honors Rosa Parks' birthday, Sierra Club - Wisconsin Chapter and Sierra Club - Coulee Region Group are co-hosting an online event about Transit to Trails, a campaign to connect people to green spaces via public transit. This online event will feature examples of how activists and planners are trying to connect people to green spaces via transit, including stories from right here in Wisconsin and lessons learned from national and state campaign leaders: Jesse Piedfort, Deputy Director with the Sierra Club's Clean Transportation for All campaign; Gerry Seavo James, Deputy Campaign Director, Outdoors for All Campaign; and Kim Biederman, East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Committee/Fox Valley. Please register for the link at tinyurl.com/WISC-T2T4A0201 OR call 608-315-2693 to get information about how to join by phone.

Sunday, February 4: The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks  1:30 p.m., Rivoli Theatre & Pizzeria, 117 4th St. N., La Crosse     Public Transit provides basic mobility for many in our communities. It is also essential urban infrastructure – just like roads, bridges, tunnels and utilities – that is crucial to the economic, social and environmental well-being of all our regions. Everyone in the community has the right to mobility. As part of La Crosse's Transit Equity Week, AARP Wisconsin
is pleased to host a screening of The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks in collaboration with La Crosse Area Transit
Advocates. A panel discussion on transit equity will immediately follow the screening. The event is FREE and open to all, but registration is required.

February 20 Primary Elections     Not every community will have a spring primary. Please check MyVote.WI.gov to check your registration, polling place, what’s on your ballot, and more. 

Environmental Education Grant Update     In 2023, CRSC awarded a grant to Coulee Montessori and Solar on La Crosse Schools for a banner and educational materials to highlight the fact that the school building is partly powered by solar panels. The materials educate visitors and remind teachers and staff to engage students by using math and science lessons to use the real-world data collected about the school’s energy use and offsets provided by the panels.

2024 Environmental Education Grants Awarded!     The Coulee Region Sierra Club will award two projects with environmental education grants for the spring 2024
semester. Brooke Brockman, a first grade teacher at Westview Elementary School in Platteville, will use grant money for their Monarchs and Milkweed project. The 100 first
graders will grow milkweed plants and install them along
the Rountree Branch Trail in Platteville. They are working
in partnership with the Platteville Community Arboretum.
Clinton Grabhorn and Lila Planavsky, advisors for
Longfellow Middle School’s Outdoor Adventure Club in
La Crosse, will use grant money, along with other funds
raised, to purchase camping equipment for club activities which will teach ethical practices in outdoor recreation and encouraging conversation, awareness, and stewardship of the land. We look forward to reporting on outcomes of these
wonderful projects this fall! Congratulations, teachers!

Great Backyard Bird Count     Each February, for four days, the world comes together for the love of birds. Over these four days, people spend time in their favorite places watching and counting as many birds as they can find and report them to organizers.These observations help scientists better
understand global bird populations before one of their annual migrations. This year’s dates are Feb. 16-19. Learn
more at: www.birdcount.org

More February Events

2/ 3: Candlelight Ski/Hike/Snowshoe in the Black River
State Forest from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
www.b lackri ve rcountr y. net/event /black- r i verstate-

2/ 5: Transit Equity Day National Livestream 11 am
www. labo r4sustai nab i l i ty. or g /t ransi t -equi ty -

2/ 7: Friends of the La Crosse River Marsh Annual Mtg
7 pm at the The Nature Place, La Crosse
n a t u r e p l a c e l a c r o s s e . o r g / c a l e n d a r / e n v i r o -

2/ 7: Protecting our Night Skies at 7 pm at the Kickapoo
Valley Reserve http://kvr.state.wi.us/Events/Lecture-

2/ 8: Forest Bathing at 9 am at The Nature Place, La
Crosse natureplacelacrosse.org/calendar/forestbathing-

2/ 9-11: Winter Wonderland Snowshoe Challenge at
Lunda Community Park, Black River Falls

2/10: Candlelight Ski/Hike/Snowshoe in the Black River
State Forest from 5 to 9 p.m. dnr.wisconsin.gov/

2/10: Valentine’s Snowshoe Hike at 1 p.m. at the La
Crosse River Conservancy tinyurl.com/mvcsnowhike0210

2/13: Achieving Environmental Justice in Wisconsin 6:30
to 8:00 p.m. ONLINE tinyurl.com/LWVWI-EnvJustice

2/17: Family Fun with The Great American Bird Count at
9 am at The Nature Place, La Crosse
natureplacelacrosse.org/calendar/famil y- funwith-

2/21: DPC’s Peregrine Falcon and Osprey Restoration
Stewardship Project at 7 pm at The Nature Place, La
Crosse natureplacelacrosse.org/calendar/birdingprogram-

2/25: Planning for Stewardship from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at
Seneca High School tinyurl.com/csp-planning

Seeking one or two people to help with the newsletter as backup. Call or text 608-315-2693 or email CRSierraClub@gmail.com for details.