AUGUST 2 CLEAN ENERGY TOUR The Clean Energy REVolution Tour is coming to La Crosse’s Copeland Park (near Oktoberfest shelter) on Friday, August 2 at 9:30 a.m. for a press event featuring local climate action leaders and a 100% electric-powered RV, equipped with rooftop solar panels. Join the fun and record a personal video about why you're enthusiastic about the clean energy revolution. Grab a free tour t-shirt by arriving early. The REV is more than just a vehicle; it represents the significant progress we’re making thanks to the historic Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. These landmark policies are fueling a clean energy jobs boom, improving our air and water quality, and addressing the climate crisis head-on. As our communities face extreme weather, from intense heat and major storms to severe droughts and wildfires, it’s crucial to highlight the vital investments driving nationwide growth and opportunity. The Clean Energy REVolution Tour, sponsored by several climate organizations, demonstrates how these investments are fostering healthier, safer communities through new climate and clean air standards. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/climateactioncampaign/event/651064/
AUGUST 13 PARTISAN PRIMARY An important statewide election is coming up on August 13. Please make sure you read up on the candidates and issues and are registered to vote! Visit https://myvote.wi.gov for more information about your ballot. August 13 Ballot Questions The BlueGreen Alliance, which the Sierra Club Wisconsin is a member of, has joined "Wisconsin Votes No", a registered referendum committee committed to defeating Questions 1 and 2 (constitutional amendments) in the August 13 election. Other members of the committee include Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Wisconsin Farmers Union, Evergreen Action. Learn more about the ballot questions and find a fact sheet you can share with family and friends at https://www.wivotesno.org
TEAM SIERRA FUNDRAISER Wisconsin Sierra Club teams, volunteer Club members from around the state who work with Sierra Club staff, are the engine behind many of our important campaigns. Once a year, we have a Teams fundraiser to help with outreach, training, and events. Please consider donating between now and September 2. Here are the teams and their individual goals:
🐺 Wildlife team: $2,000 goal https://agpqtesy.donorsupport.co/page/wildlifeLearn more and find the link to donate to all teams: https://www.sierraclub.org/wisconsin/blog/2024/07/support-our-work-through-team-sierra-september-2
🌊 Water team: $500 goal https://agpqtesy.donorsupport.co/page/water
☀Beyond Coal/Carbon team: $950 goal https://agpqtesy.donorsupport.co/page/coal
🩵 Tar Sands team: $300 goal https://agpqtesy.donorsupport.co/page/tar-sands
🌲 Lands team: $750 goal https://agpqtesy.donorsupport.co/page/lands
🚌 Transportation team: $2,000 goal https://agpqtesy.donorsupport.co/page/transportation
LINE 5 COMMENTS DEADLINE EXTENDED The comment period for Line 5 has been extended to August 30, so you still have time to write and submit comments to the Army Corps of Engineers about Enbridge Energy’s plans to continue moving oil through northern Wisconsin. The dangerous pipeline threatens the water, sustainability, and livelihoods of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, trespassing on their land and ignoring their sovereignty. Enbridge is trying to expand that pipeline and operate it for years to come.
Learn more about the issue and how to submit comments at https://www.sierraclub.org/wisconsin/blog/2024/06/your-comment-needed-stop-line-5
AUGUST 17 GARDENS & GAZING On Saturday, August 17, 2024, the popular Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA) grounds tour with ridge top hike and stargazing will again be offered by Mississippi Valley Conservancy, in partnership with the FSPA and the La Crosse Area Astronomical Society, Located at Villa St. Joseph on St. Joseph’s Ridge, this event is part of the 2024 “Linked to the Land” series of outdoor activities sponsored by Olson Solar Energy and WXOW News19. This annual event offers a family-friendly experience with the unique opportunity to visit the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration property and enjoy the views and night skies of the ridge. There will be a garden tour, a hike, and an evening with a guide who will talk about the wonders of the night sky. REGISTRATION REQUIRED! https://mississippivalleyconservancy.org/events/gardens-and-gazing-st-josephs-ridge
TABLE AT AUGUST 18 BLUFF BASH The Coulee Region Sierra Club will table at the City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department BLUFF BASH, an outdoor recreation celebration! The event will be from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Upper Hixon Forest trailhead on County FA in La Crosse. If you can help table for our club, please email us at CRSierraClub@gmail.com OR call 608-315-2693. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED!
What to expect at this FREE community event:
• Live Music: Bryce Thomaschefsky will be entertaining with his vocal talents.
• Trail Tours: A guided trail tour to Zoerb Prairie will be hosted by Friends of the Blufflands.
• Food Trucks: Taco Town & Batter and Brews will be on site serving up delicious dinners & desserts!
• Family Activities, local outdoor organizations, yard games and more!
ORDER 2025 CALENDARS SOON Maureen Kinney will order 2025 Sierra Club calendars in September. We are ordering fewer calendars this year, so, if you want one, please call or text her at 608-797-8442 no later than September 15 to reserve yours! Wall calendars are $19 and engagement calendars are $20. The money we raise from calendar sales helps fund our local initiatives, including events and environmental education grants and awards.
YOUTH CLIMATE ACTION GRANTS Seeking Sierra Club youth, ages 15 to 24, to design and implement climate solutions for the City of La Crosse Climlate Action Plan. The Youth Climate Action Fund is offering microgrants to make projects happen this year. If you are interested in a Sierra Club youth microgrant project, please email us or call or text 608-315-2693.
RURAL POWER COALITION Last month we shared a story from a Riverland Power Co-op member about the undemocratic changes made to reduce incentives and benefits for those who install solar. Not only did the co-op add a “peak demand” charge for solar production, but they also changed their solar “true-up” schedule to monthly, so that those who installed enough solar to meet winter needs from overproduction in summer will lose out.
But Riverland is hardly the only Rural Electric Co-op (REC) to seek ways to discourage installation of renewable energy. Other Coulee Region REC members have complained about a lack of transparency, difficulty getting member-owner voices heard, and undemocratic practices. In fact, this is an issue across the country.
The Rural Power Coalition (RPC) is a grassroots group whose mission is to elevate rural communities as leaders of a just and clean energy transition across the United States. “We advance this mission through member-owner engagement, clean energy investment on inclusive terms, and federal policy advocacy.” (https://www.ruralpower.us)
Currently, the priorities are ensuring federal clean energy funding includes RECs and rural residents. They are also educating about and supporting agrivoltaics (solar over crops and/or livestock). But, they also have a rich resource library that includes the REC Toolkit to help members learn about, understand, and work to take back control of their co-ops.
Electing good board members is not easy and requires planning and organizing. The Vernon Electric Co-op, for example, has a 10 member board. Board terms are three years and board elections are staggered so each year, three or four seats are up for election. But, the process starts with members choosing potential board candidates. While a co-op district committee group selects at least two board candidates, candidates may also be added by member petition.
With everything going on in life and politics, one more complicated, time-consuming thing may seem daunting. Our call last month for Riverland Co-op members to help question their new policies received zero responses. But, if we believe that transitioning to clean, renewable energy is a high priority for climate, environment, and family finances, we may need to carve out a little time to work together and challenge the status quo that continues to promote and invest in dead-end fossil fuel projects and policies that delay the changes.
If you’re a Riverland member, please email CRSierraClub@gmail.com or call 608-315-2693 to help with the group ask for policy clarification. If you’re in another REC, find out how your co-op elects board members and when your next annual meeting is.
- 8/ 3: Nature Saturday at The Nature Place, Myrick Park, La Crosse. 9:30 a.m. https://natureplacelacrosse.org/calendar/nature-saturday-2024-08-03/
- 8/ 3: Perrot State Park Snake Discovery at 4 p.m. https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/events/97041
- 8/ 3: Perrot State Park The Unhuggables at 7 p.m. https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/events/97036
- 8/ 3: Wildcat Mtn State Park - Night Sky at 8:30 p.m. https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/events/90316
- 8/ 6: March for Democracy in Madison. 4 p.m. https://tinyurl.com/WISC-M4D
- 8/10: Friends of the Black River Summer Paddle at noon Hatfield Whitewater Release. RSVP required: https://www.blackrivercountry.net/event/friends-of-the-black-river-2024-paddle-events/2024-08-10
- 8/12-13: Perseid Meteor Shower peak between 10 p.m. and dawn. https://tinyurl.com/24Perseids
- 8/12: Guided Forest Bathing walk from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Nature Place, Myrick Park, La Crosse. Fee. https://natureplacelacrosse.org/calendar/guided-forest-bathing-walks-2024-08-12
- 8/15: Mississippi Speed Record - An Epic Adventure film premiere at the Rivoli in La Crosse. 7:15 p.m. https://www.mississippivalleyconservancy.org/events/mississippi-speed-record-epic-adventure
- 8/17: Perrot State Park Life of the Ancient Ones - Mound Builders at 7 p.m. https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/events/97006
- 8/24: Friends of the Black River Clean Up Day from 8 to noon at Al Young Park, Black River Falls. https://www.blackrivercountry.net/event/friends-of-the-black-river-2024-paddle-events/2024-08-10/
- 8/27: What is an RTA and Why Do We Need One? Regional Transportation Authorities webinar, 7 p.m. Online. https://tinyurl.com/WISC-RTA
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