Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Triennial Water Standards Review

from Crawford Stewardship Project:

Triennial State Water Standards Review


Where should state environmental officials focus their efforts to protect surface water quality over the next three years? 
The Wisconsin DNR is currently reviewing state water quality standards and is asking the public for your input on a list of five water quality standards topics proposed as priorities for protecting Wisconsin's lakes, rivers, streams, and springs.

The draft of the current Triennial State Review can be found here on the DNR website

You can download the pdf file and rank topic priorities in the document and send them to Marcia Willhite (contact below), the deadline is January 25th.

And/or you can simply send your comments directly to Marcia, the deadline is October 5th.  

Marcia Willhite by email,  phone (608-267-7425) or by mail to Wisconsin DNR - WT/3, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707.

A public hearing will be held on September 21, 2018 from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. This hearing is for citizens to comment on or ask questions about the topics presented. Anyone who would like to participate is invited to join online through a webinar using the link posted on the DNR’s triennial standards review Web page, or in person at the DNR’s Madison office at 101 S. Webster St, Madison, in Room G27 in after signing in at the visitor’s desk.

CSP recommends that commenters note that nitrogen/nitrate criteria pollution needs to be highly prioritized (right now it is in"Group D" where "barriers to criteria development currently exist".) There are many scientific studies and expansive knowledge of the dangers and effects of nitrogen pollution in our waters. It is all too common that nitrate pollution, often from agricultural runoff and manure spreading and spills, is degrading our water quality all over the state.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

La Crosse Mayor Launches Home Energy Challenge

New Program Offers Incentives to Property Owners Who Make Energy Efficiency Improvements
La Crosse homeowners who want to save on energy bills this winter and increase the comfort of their homes now have up to $4,100 in incentives available to them, depending on the variables explained in the fact sheet attached. Mayor Tim Kabat is launching the Home Energy Challenge, which gives the first 100 households who sign up the ability to receive incentives to cover a portion of the costs of making their homes more energy-efficient through insulation and air sealing.
The launch event is taking place at the home of Casey and Sonja Meehan, who chose to make home energy improvements themselves and are encouraging other homeowners to do the same. Casey and Sonja moved to La Crosse in the summer of 2014. They loved the idea of being able to walk, bike, or bus to work, the proximity to all the amenities downtown and on local college campuses, and the potential to be part of a close-knit neighborhood. One detractor was the poor energy efficiency of the older 1920s home that they purchased, but quickly realized that was something they could fix.
“Our home still had the original insulation in the attic, so it was really cold in the winter. After we had the work done, we noticed right away that the temperature in the house was way more comfortable. In addition to making our house more livable, we knew that the improvements were going to save us money in the long run as we wouldn’t be using as much heat.  We also felt it was simply the right thing to do from an environmental standpoint,” said Casey.
For the Mayor, launching this initiative is also about La Crosse residents coming together to make the City one of the most sustainable communities in Wisconsin. “If we accomplish our goal of 100 homes, the City would reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 290 metrics tons per year, the equivalent of 317,676 pounds of coal burned or taking 62 vehicles off the road. That’s a really great investment in our community and our planet,” said Mayor Tim Kabat.
At the launch event, the Mayor will be joined by the City’s partners in the Home Energy Challenge- Xcel Energy and Focus on Energy. In addition, several local employers will be present who will be encouraging their employees to participate in the challenge.
For more information on the incentives being offered and more details about the program, go to http://www.cityoflacrosse.org/energychallenge

Thursday, September 6, 2018

September 8 - RISE FOR CLIMATE!

Please join the Coulee Region Sierra Club and other local and regional organizations and leaders at the Rise for Climate event at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 8 in La Crosse's Riverside Park near the big fountain. 

Rise for Climate is a global day of action to end the era of fossil fuels. This event is one of thouands being held around the world to demand our local leaders commit to building a fossil free world that puts people and justice before profits. No more stalling, no more delays: it’s time for a fast and fair transition to 100% renewable energy for all. Read more about it at https://riseforclimate.org. 

The list of speakers below includes 
  • Coulee Region Group Vice Chair Kathy Allen talking about the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign and the Sierra Club's endorsements in the upcoming elections: 
  • Ho-Chunk Nation Member Bill Greendeer to talk about holding leaders in  responsible for the well-being of existing and next generations (Seven Generations principle) and also the ethical idea of the Rights of Nature 
  • Organizer Janette Dean to welcome everyone and explain why environmental policy is the fastest way we can protect our planet 
  • Member of La Crosse's Hmoob/Hmong Community to share Hmoob environmental concepts that apply to climate protection
  • UWL Professor Paul Reyerson to speak on the latest global and national climate science and impacts 
  • Sustainability Institute's Casey Meehan to speak on Midwestern state impacts & some of the many opportunities and benefits of sustainability 
  • Speaker to share the city and county's emissions reductions progress as part of their Sustainability Indicators and related goals 
  • Coulee Region Sierra Club Vice Chair Kathy Allen to share their candidate endorsements and to share CRSC's Ready for 100 effort (100% renewables by 2050 or sooner) 
  • Ken Tschumper, Former Minnesota State Representative to talk about MN's clean energy legislation and MN's 2018 Candidates 
  • La Crosse Democrats spokesperson Avery Van Gaard to read a climate-related statement from WI Gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers & WI Rep. Jill Billings 
  • Charles (Chuck) Davis, Sr. of Tomah - Oglala Lakota, of the Oceti Sakowin (speaker and main musician as we begin to sing, dance and chant in circles)
We hope to see you there! 
Pat Wilson