Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Flip the script.

Mitch McConnell wants to sabotage the Green New Deal by forcing a rushed vote.

Call your senators now at 855-980-2389. Ask them to flip the script on Mitch and sign on as Green New Deal cosponsors instead!
Call 855-980-2389!

Mitch McConnell and the fossil fuel industry were caught off guard by the sudden interest in a Green New Deal. Underlying their effort to dismiss the Green New Deal resolution is a real fear that the popular movement to address climate change and inequity jeopardizes their hold on power.

McConnell's latest gambit is forcing a rushed Senate vote on the Green New Deal resolution in an attempt to stall public momentum and sow division among Democrats.1

With just days before a likely vote, we're mobilizing to make this cynical plan backfire!

This is where you come in -- we need you to make a call to 855-980-2389now, asking your senators to cosponsor the Green New Deal resolution if they haven't already.2

For Democrats, our calls highlight an opportunity to unify around the twin goals of a Green New Deal -- tackling climate change and economic, racial, and gender inequity. For Republicans, our calls put them on notice that a Green New Deal is too popular and too important to be dismissed.

Call 855-980-2389 now and we'll connect you with your senators' offices.

Here's a sample script to help you with your call:

Hi, my name is <your name> and I'm calling from <your community> in support of a Green New Deal.

A Green New Deal carries the promise of economic opportunity for millions and offers bold new solutions for the climate crisis. Can I count on Senator ______ to cosponsor and support the Green New Deal resolution?

[Listen and respond.]

Thanks for your time.

Together, we can make Oil Money Mitch’s cynical plan backfire and continue to build momentum for a Green New Deal.


Ben Beachy
Director, A Living Economy
Sierra Club

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