Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January Newsletter


JANUARY 14 at 6:45 p.m. COMMUNITY TRAIL FARM with Josh Hein, Outdoor Recreation Alliance. ONLINE.     The Outdoor Recreation Alliance, or ORA Trails, in La Crosse, has taken on its biggest project yet! With the purchase of a 277 acre old farm just minutes from downtown, ORA is creating a space that is truly for everyone. Plans include building 15 miles of trails, restoring various prairies and savanna, removing invasive species, enhancing wetlands, and improving trout habitat and stream ecology. ORA is also teaming up with schools, universities, municipalities, and other organizations to establish education and community programs and events that celebrate all the space has to offer. We will hear from Josh Hein, ORA’s Trail Farm Project Administrator, about the organization and the project, with time for your questions following his talk. Register for this online program at and, after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you would like to join the meeting by dialing in on your phone, please call 608-315-2693 or email to sign up. You can learn more about the Community Trail Farm at

JANUARY 7 - CHAPTER BOOK CLUB     The first book club selection of the new year is Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet by Ben Goldfarb. Sign up for the 7 p.m. discussion, held online, at or call or email to learn how to join by phone. Crossings is an eye-opening account of the global ecological transformations wrought by roads, from the award-winning author of Eager. Some 40 million miles of roadways encircle the earth, yet we tend to regard them only as infrastructure for human convenience, so ubiquitous they’re practically invisible to us. But wild animals experience them as entirely alien forces of death and disruption. In Crossings, environmental journalist Ben Goldfarb travels throughout the United States and around the world to investigate how roads have transformed our planet. A million animals are killed by cars each day in the U.S. alone, but as the new science of road ecology shows, the harms of highways extend far beyond roadkill.

JANUARY 5 - ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION GRANTS DEADLINE!     Applications for CRSC environmental education grants of up to $200 each are due by January 5! Schools or community organizations involving young people at the elementary and middle school level within the CRSC region (Crawford, Grant, Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Richland, Trempealeau, and Vernon counties) are eligible to apply. Applications may be completed online, emailed or mailed. Please share this information with educators you know! Learn more at or

JANUARY 23 - WISCONSIN CHAPTER VIRTUAL VOLUNTEER FAIR     Start the new year by learning how you can get involved and make a difference. There are countless ways to volunteer with the Sierra Club and this event will help you find your fit and get started.There are in-person, virtual, regular, or occasional opportunities that fit all types of schedules. Join the virtual volunteer fair to learn more, ask questions and meet others who are also looking for ways to make a positive impact and protect the environment. Register here for the 6:30 p.m. fair:

CRSC BOARD ELECTIONS     Congratulations Dorothy Lenard, Flo Sandok, and Avery Van Gaard who were elected to the  CRSC Board of Directors for 2025-2027! Thanks to all who voted! And special thanks to Carol Miller whose term has ended. The CRSC Board meets monthly to plan club activities and coordinate actions with local and state club members and allies. The next board meeting will be online at 6:30 p.m. on January 28. CRSC members may attend. Email or call for access information.

OUTINGS LEADER TRAINING     If you have a love for the outdoors or have special places or activities you'd like to share with others, please consider becoming an outing leader. As an outing leader you are the bridge that helps connect the people and places in your community. Once trained, you plan the outing and we will help promote it - let’s work together to get people outside in 2025! Leader training may be done online OR there will be one full in-person day on March 23rd in the Black River Falls area. For longer, overnight outings or water based outings, additional training is required. If you are interested, sign-up by filling out the interest form at or contact Heather at for more information.

RIGHTS OF NATURE     CRSC member Diane Cain forwarded information about the Rights of Nature movement, a decades-long effort, deeply rooted in indigenous knowledge, to officially recognize the natural world and its right to survive and thrive in our legal processes. Since 2006, communities, states, and countries have used the RON to combat environmental degradation and species extinction. In 2008, Ecuador became the first country to recognize RON in its constitution. In Wisconsin, the Ho-Chunk Nation, the Wisconsin Farmers Union, and the Milwaukee County Board have passed RON resolutions. If you are interested in signing the petition encouraging Governor Evers to “enshrine the Rights of Nature in our communities and constitution,” sign here:  Learn more about the RON movement in Wisconsin at

2024 YEAR IN REVIEW     by Kathy Allen, CRSC Board president      Our Coulee Region Group kept busy this year, hosting our own programs and co-hosting events with partners! Here are some highlights from each month.

  • January - We awarded two environmental education grants, one to the Longfellow Middle School Outdoor Adventure Club in La Crosse and another to Westview Elementary's first graders in Platteville for a Monarchs and Milkweed project. See reports from the recipients in our September newsletter online.
  • February - With the Wisconsin Chapter, we co-hosted an online program about the Sierra Club’s new "Transit to Trails for All" initiative as part of Transit Equity Days. A recording of the program is still available on the Chapter's Facebook page (Find "Videos" in the "More" tab).
  • March - We co-hosted a "Know Your Co-op" educational webinar about rural energy, electric rates, and getting involved in your local Rural Electric Co-op. Many of our group members in rural areas belong to rural electric cooperatives. A recording is also available on the Chapter's Facebook page.
  • April - With several local partners, we co-hosted a "Spring into Energy Savings" program about the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act for homeowners and the climate. We also co-sponsored a very popular screening of "Bad River" at the Rivoli in La Crosse and completed our first roadside cleanup along River Valley Drive.
  • May - We hosted an online program, Climate Action in a River City,  with La Crosse Mayor Mitch Reynolds. During his time as co-chair of the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative, the mayor attended international conferences on climate and plastics. A recording of this program is available on our group's Facebook page (search for CRSC - Coulee Region Sierra Club).
  • June - We hosted a "Transit to Trails For All" outing to Mississippi Valley Conservancy’s Hass Tract trail (see photos in our July newsletter). We also co-hosted a rally for clean energy and press conference outside of the Dairyland Power Cooperative annual meeting at the La Crosse Center. And just for fun, we held our summer group potluck at Goose Island!
  • July - We completed our second roadside cleanup of the year.
  • August - We awarded our 2024 High School Environmental Stewardship Award to Logan High School's Rachel Greany (read more in our September newsletter). We also tabled at the City of La Crosse Parks Department's Bluff Bash, a celebration of outdoor recreation.
  • September - We hosted "Clean Energy Benefits and YOU", an online program with Quinn Rowe from WI Conservation Voters. Quinn summarized the information from the program in our October newsletter.
  • October - We completed our final roadside cleanup of the year, co-sponsored Week Without Driving, and tabled at an "Understanding Project 2025" event organized by the UW-La Crosse College Democrats to raise awareness about potential impacts on climate and clean energy programs.
  • November - At the Wisconsin Chapter awards, our group board member and newsletter editor Cathy Van Maren received the JJ & Pat Werner Award, the chapter’s highest honor, given to Sierra Club leaders who have shown an undying commitment to its goals and missions throughout the years. You can see the presentation on the Chapter's Youtube page.
  • December - We closed out the year with a spirited holiday potluck at the home of one of our board members!

VEGANUARY     Veganuary is a world-wide event that encourages and supports people to be mindful of how our food choices affect our health, environment, and climate.  Those who sign up for the month-long challenge will receive information, recipes, support, and ideas to try a more climate-friendly way to eat. Learn more and sign up at

KNOWLES-NELSON LOBBY DAY     Knowles-Nelson Lobby Day, a chance to advocate for our environment, will take place in Madison on March 12.  More details will be available in our February newsletter for those who might wish to share rides to this important event. Learn more at    


Sunday, December 1, 2024

December Newsletter


JOIN COULEE REGION SIERRA CLUB FRIENDS AND MEMBERS FOR A WINTER HOLIDAY POTLUCK on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 from 4 to 6 p.m. CRSC board member Dorothy Lenard will host at 1925 Main Street in La Crosse. Please bring some food to share and/or a holiday dessert. DUE TO GLUTEN ALLERGIES, PLEASE BRING ANY BREAD ITEMS IN THEIR OWN SEPARATE CONTAINERS, ALREADY CUT. Beverages will be provided. If you can, please bring your own foodware (plate, utensils, cup or mug). To help us plan, please RSVP at and if you can offer or need a ride, sign up to carpool at Questions? Contact us at or 608-315-2693.

DECEMBER 4 - 100 YEARS OF PROTECTION     The Chippewa Valley Group of Wisconsin Sierra Club will host an online program on Wednesday, December 4 at 7 p.m. recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge and its work protecting the fish, birds, other wildlife, habitats and special ecosystems of the upper Mississippi River. Zoom link:  For dial in information, please call 608-315-2693.

DECEMBER 14 - CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT     Audubon's 125th Christmas Bird Count will be held from Dec 14, 2024 to January 5, 2025! Feeder counters, people who count birds at their home bird feeder, are invited to participate.  A feeder count can be as simple as a single count of the birds that are present at any time on that day (10 minutes will do) or it could be a compilation of multiple counts from different times throughout the day.  Any level of time and effort is a big help and greatly appreciated! To participate, contact Coulee Audubon as soon as possible at

ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION GRANTS     For spring 2025, CRSC will offer grants of up to $200 each for environmental education projects to schools or community organizations involving young people at the elementary and middle school level within the CRSC region: Crawford, Grant, Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Richland, Trempealeau, and Vernon counties. Applications may be completed online, emailed or mailed. The deadline for applications is January 5, 2025 with awards by January 31. Learn more: Funding for this program is possible thanks to an annual grant from the Paul E. Stry Foundation, shared dues from club memberships, calendar sales, and donations made by community members. To donate, email or call 608-315-2693. 

OUTINGS LEADER TRAINING     If you have a love for the outdoors or have special places or activities you'd like to share with others, please consider becoming an outing leader. As an outing leader you are the bridge that helps connect the people and places in your community. Once trained, you plan the outing and we will help promote it - let’s work together to get people outside in 2025! Training includes two sections. The first section is ‘Sierra Club Leader Training’ which covers Sierra Club specific policies and guidelines, and the second is ‘Basic First AID/CPR.’ Both are required in order to be certified by the Sierra Club to lead outings.
Leader training may be done online OR there will be one full in-person day on March 23rd in the Black River Falls area. For longer, overnight outings or water based outings, additional training is required. If you are interested, sign-up by filling out the interest form at or contact Heather at for more information.


SAVE THE DATE!     Wisconsin Chapter Virtual Volunteer Fair - January 23, 6:30 p.m. online. Start the new year by learning how you can get involved and make a difference. There are countless ways to volunteer with the Sierra Club and we would love to help you find your fit and get started. We have in-person, virtual, regular, or occasional opportunities that fit all types of schedules. Join our virtual volunteer fair to learn more, ask questions, and meet others who are also looking for ways to make a positive impact and protect the environment.
Learn more and sign up to attend at

COULEE REGION SIERRA CLUB BOARD ELECTIONS INFORMATION     Thank you for participating in the democratic process of electing your local Sierra Club representatives! Enter your member number and then vote for up to four candidates to begin two-year terms in January 2024. Candidate bios are below. Please complete one ballot per member (both members in a Joint membership may cast ballots). You will receive a link to the online ballot and your member number in an email OR via postcard. We must have your member number so your ballot can be verified by the Election Committee. Please vote either with the online ballot OR by printing, completing, and mailing a paper ballot (Call 608-315-2693 to have a paper ballot mailed to you.)

** All ballots must be received by midnight December 30, 2024 **
To use the ballot shown below, complete and mail it by December 20 to 1815 Cameron Ave. La Crosse, WI 54601.

Dorothy Lenard - Dorothy recently retired from her role as an Administrator for the School of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Math at Viterbo University. She has a degree from Michigan Technological University in Forest Hydrology and a Master’s in Servant Leadership from Viterbo. She and her husband Rich grew up in a small bay town on Lake Michigan surrounded mostly by State land. Yes, she loves and misses the lake effect snowfalls and outdoor saunas in the winter. Having lived in all regions of the United States, they eventually chose the Driftless area to settle down in and raise their three children. She has been active in numerous community activities and boards. Her passion is studying the environment, especially water protection. While on the La Crosse City Council, she worked with others to pass in 2009 the City of La Crosse and County of La Crosse Strategic Plan for Sustainability. In the summer, her family has a huge community garden in their yard where their specialties are garlic and perennials. Preparing and sharing sustainable food with family and friends is her favorite hobby.

Flo Sandok - Flo has spent the last 50 years of her life working on environmental issues. She lobbied and worked actively on pesticide and herbicide reduction, particularly in her community (Rochester, Minnesota) and was part of a group passing legislation in Minnesota to require schools to notify parents if they sprayed lawns. Flo formed an environmental group called Global Action which she contacts to write emails and lend support to issues on a frequent basis. Her theory is that having an email backup group to amplify messages is very helpful. She has been a longtime supporter of protecting the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, having testified at hearings, and has been a long-time member of Sierra Club. She was part of the Rochester Sierra Club when they won grants to acquire land for area parkland. Flo has trained with Beyond Plastics and belongs to Viroqua Plastic Free which is working with the local Chamber of Commerce to put on waste-free events and hosting a series of education forums at the public library. She is deeply interested in wildlife conservation and is working with the Wisconsin Farmers Union to draft language to make their policies more beneficial to wolves. She has lobbied in the legislature in St. Paul and is committed to reducing climate change wherever possible. Flo’s home in Viroqua, has geothermal and solar and they drive an electric car. Flo is committed to working for a livable planet.

Avery Van Gaard - Avery was born and raised in La Crosse, as well as rural Vernon County. She has worked as a crew lead at Coulee Region Ecoscapes, a local landscaping business that centers planting native plants, installing rain gardens, and supporting other ecologically beneficial practices. She has served on the board of the Coulee Region Sierra Club group for several years and was previously a representative of the group to the Executive Committee. When she is not working, Avery has assisted in the group's campaigns and events - from the 2017 Water Quality Forum to the current "Ready for 100" campaign.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Bluffland event cancelled

Due to lack of interest, we are cancelling the November 16 Bluffland Work Day outing. We will try another outing this winter and it will be announced in our newsletter.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Chapter Awards Date Change


The online Chapter Awards program originally planned for November 13 has been moved to Wednesday, November 20 at 7:30 p.m. Please register for this event at or call 608-315-2693.

Friday, November 1, 2024

November newsletter


VOTE November 5. Find your voting details at

NOVEMBER 16 - BLUFFLAND WORK DAY on Stry Prairie, Miller Bluff, La Crosse from 8 a.m. to noon.  Friends of the Blufflands (FoB) and the Coulee Region Chapter of The Prairie Enthusiasts schedule many opportunities for volunteers to help ensure the perpetuation and recovery of important local areas. The work day starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at noon, but times could change as the weather turns cold and participants may volunteer as it fits their schedules. The site is steep, but there are options to work on flatter sections. Wear long pants, sturdy shoes, and bring water and a snack if desired. Tools will be supplied, but if you have a favorite pair of hand pruners or loppers, bring them. To participate with CRSC, please register by November 14 at or by calling 608-315-2693. The meeting point is at the end of Rim of the City Road. Location details will be sent to those who register and we will notify registered participants if schedules change.

NOVEMBER 12 - BOOK CLUB - Winter Counts     The Sierra Club Wisconsin Chapter’s book club will meet from 7 to 8 p.m. on November 12 to discuss the new crime thriller Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden. Winter Counts is a propulsive crime novel and a wonderfully informative book about life on Rosebud Reservation. Learn more and register to participate at

NOVEMBER 13 - CHAPTER AWARDS!     Every year, the Sierra Club Wisconsin Chapter recognizes some of our many wonderful volunteers and community leaders for their dedication, passion and leadership. We could not do our work alone, and celebrating our award winners is one of the best parts of our year. This virtual ceremony will allow us all to be together and celebrate these environmental leaders from across the state. RSVP for this online event at or by calling 608-315-2693.

CRSC BOARD ELECTIONS      We are seeking candidates for the Coulee Region Sierra Club board. Elections will be in December. New terms begin in 2025. Terms are two years. The board meets monthly and plans club activities and events. If you are interested in serving your club, please email OR call or text 608-315-2693 by November 15 with your name and a statement about why you are interested and your pertinent experience. If you need more information before deciding, please email, call, or text us. We encourage club members living outside the La Crosse area to self-nominate, but everyone is welcome to run. Members will get voting instructions, by email or postcard, later in November with online voting available from November 25 through December 30 and a paper ballot, to print out and mail, in the December newsletter. Please consider serving your club so we can remain strong, active, and effective in the new year!

ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION GRANTS     For spring 2025, CRSC will offer grants of up to $200 each for environmental education projects to schools or community organizations involving young people at the elementary and middle school level within the CRSC region: Crawford, Grant, Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Richland, Trempealeau, and Vernon counties.
Applications may be completed online, emailed or mailed. The deadline for applications is January 5, 2025 with awards by January 31. Learn more: Funding for this program is possible thanks to an annual grant from the Paul E. Stry Foundation, shared dues from club memberships, calendar sales, and donations made by community members. To donate, email or call 608-315-2693. 

NOVEMBER 18 - FILM - PEOPLE AND WOLVES     On Monday, November 18 at 7 p.m., the Wisconsin Chapter will host an online screening of this new 30 minute documentary. After the film, there will be an interactive Q&A session with the producer & director as well as several members of the cast. RSVP to attend:

OCTOBER EVENTS     Thank you to those who participated in Week Without Driving, September 30 through October 6. Our October 5 Transit to Trails outing was postponed due to lack of sign ups. We will try again in spring. On October 8, four CRSC members helped pick up litter along River Valley Drive. Thank you! On October 23, Kathy Allen, our Board Chair, tabled at a UWL event about the environmental plans included in Project 2025.  


Review - An Invitation to Wonder: Waubesa Wetlands by Emily Grandy

Situated on the southeast corner of Lake Waubesa, not twenty minutes from downtown Madison, lies a hidden sanctuary of life. Waubesa Wetlands is one of the highest-quality and most diverse wetlands remaining in southern Wisconsin, and it is inhibited by one curious man. 

Calvin DeWitt has been living with his wife Ruth on the edge of this ancient marsh for over fifty years. It was Cal who worked with his neighbors to establish the marsh into a 1000-acre nature preserve. He later used the wetland as an outdoor classroom to teach hundreds of UW-Madison graduate students. 

In the spring of 2020, his grandson, Ben Albert, set out to document and to explore his grandparent's backyard. In his deeply personal first documentary film, “An Invitation to Wonder: Waubesa Wetlands”, Ben Albert recalls the curiosity and awe he experienced there as a child. His hope was not only to discover the marsh’s extraordinary, challenging beauty but to understand his grandfather’s relationship with this particular wetland.

It was a difficult filming process: everything’s wet and muddy, mosquitoes swarm, and the peat is unimaginably deep and unstable to walk on. A wetland is a humbling environment. But with humility, and a little help from his grandfather, Ben Albert came to appreciate the age and complexity of this preserve, and all the wondrous life it supports. In making this film, he also hoped to spread the message “that if you want to be awed by the natural world, you must only go as far as your own backyard.”

You can learn more and watch a trailer at 


CRSC BOARD MEETINGS The CRSC board meets monthly online and members may attend. Email or call 608-315-2693 for the Zoom access information. The next meeting is November 25 at 6:30 p.m


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October Newsletter


WEEK WITHOUT DRIVING, SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 6     What is life like for those who don’t or can’t drive? How do non-drivers get to work or school, shopping and appointments? How does our car-centric society impact youth, elders, those with disabilities, and others who can’t afford or don’t want to drive a car?

From September 30 through October 6, national Week Without Driving (WWD) will highlight these and other questions and give us all a chance to learn and reflect. How do our transportation policies, budgets, and priorities impact the schedules, choices, finances, and health of non-drivers? How do they impact our communities budgets and our environment?
In Wisconsin, about 31 percent of residents are non-drivers according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). In the City of La Crosse, up to 40 percent of individuals who are 15 or older don’t drive, and in Grant County, it’s 10 to 20 percent, WisDOT estimates. 

The WWD Challenge asks participants to pledge to try not driving their car for a week. In some places it’s easier than in others. And, many will find they must drive because there are not other options. But that’s an opportunity to consider how a non-driver would cope with a “must drive” situation and to imagine a system where driving is a luxury.
For Wisconsin Sierra Club members, it’s also a chance to examine how our current system is related to the issues we have been working on, including oil and gas pipelines, plastics and environmental racism, air and water pollution, access to wild and public lands, and more.
Learn more about Week Without Driving and sign up to take the challenge at and, if you live in the La Crosse area, join CRSC and more than a dozen other organizations, agencies, and businesses in local WWD events and activities (learn more at 

OCTOBER 5 - TRANSIT 2 TRAILS     On Saturday, October 5, the Coulee Region Sierra Club will host another Transit 2 Trails outing. We’ll catch an MTU bus at about 9:30 a.m. at the Grand River Station Transit Center, 314 Jay Street in La Crosse and travel to a local trail, returning at about 11:30 a.m. 

More details will be provided to those who register. You do not need bus experience to participate and MTU bus fare is FREE during Week Without Driving! This is a great chance to hike and try out the bus!

If you require accommodations to participate, please note this on the registration form at or email us at or call or text 608-315-2693.

OCTOBER 15 FILM - REGENERATING LIFE     Join Wisconsin Chapter friends and members for an online film screening on Tuesday, October 15 at 7 p.m.
Regenerating Life takes an ecological approach to unpacking the social and environmental crises that confront us, shifting the prevailing climate change story, and offering new, attainable solutions. Register for the screening at

CLEAN ENERGY CREDITS AND YOU     On September 24, we heard from Quinn Rowe, Wisconsin Conservation Voters, about how individuals can take advantage of federal clean energy credits and incentives to save money and energy while reducing carbon emissions. Quinn talked about the different programs available and income levels that could allow some families to get up to $14,000 worth of sealing, insulating, and appliance upgrades for no charge.

The program was not recorded, but Quinn has provided this summary and there’s more information at the WCV web page:

President Biden's Affordable Clean Energy Plan is the largest investment in clean energy in world history, dedicating a whopping $370 billion dollars to help homeowners, renters, local governments, schools, small businesses, and others to transition away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy. This is done through incentives, lowering the costs of clean energy and energy-efficiency home improvements. There are three major incentives that homeowners are eligible for – the clean energy tax credits, the HOMES rebate, and the HEAR rebate.

The clean energy tax credit is the first and largest of the three benefits, covering clean energy generation, energy efficiency upgrades, and electric vehicles. With this, there is a discount of up to 30 percent on solar panels, heat pumps, battery storage, insulation, windows, efficient appliances, and more. Consumers are able to save up to $7,500 with a point-of-purchase tax credit for new electric vehicles, and up to $4,000 for used electric vehicles. To take advantage of this tax credit, check to see if your purchase is eligible with a contractor or through the IRS' site; save the receipt from your purchase; fill out IRS Form 5695; and deduct the tax credit from your federal taxes. Not only will you save on the home improvement, but your monthly energy costs will go down too! The clean energy tax credit is a part of the federal tax code until 2032, so its benefits will be long lasting.

The HOMES rebate is the most recent benefit to be rolled out, with Wisconsin being the first state to release the rebate! The HOMES rebate is focused on improving household energy efficiency, so things like Energy Star appliances, home insulation, heat pumps, windows, and exterior doors are covered. Eligibility for this program is based on household income, but homeowners could be eligible for a rebate of up to $10,000. The HOMES rebate requires a home energy assessment, in which a licensed contractor will conduct a series of tests around the household to see what improvements could be made to improve the home's energy efficiency. Once figuring out which improvements work best for you, you apply for the rebate through Focus on Energy. Once they accept your application, the rebate is applied at the point of purchase, meaning that you will save big on these upfront costs! 

The third rebate is HEAR, which is expected to be rolled out sometime in October. While the HOMES rebate is focused on whole-home renovations, the HEAR rebate is more focused on smaller improvements. Things like Energy Star appliances, home insulation, heat pumps, windows, and exterior doors are all covered by HEAR as well, but it's more focused on buying just one appliance or improvement as opposed to a whole-home renovation. Like HOMES, HEAR has income eligibility, in which eligible beneficiaries can get up to 100 percent of the purchase of many of these minor improvements. Like HOMES, you apply through Focus on Energy to receive the rebate before purchasing the appliance. Once approved, the HEAR rebate will be applied at the point of purchase. Unlike the clean energy tax credits which are available to everyone until 2032, the HOMES and HEAR rebates are first-come, first-served. 

The federal government allocated nearly $150 million to the State of Wisconsin to fund the HOMES and HEAR rebates, meaning that it’s paramount that information about these programs is shared as quickly and as widely as possible. We want every Wisconsinite in every corner of the state to take advantage of these benefits as soon as possible!

This is all very exciting information, and it can be difficult to know where to start looking. Wisconsin Conservation Voters has a dedicated website with all of this information and more. It includes an energy-savings calculator, municipal-specific programs, a list of contractors certified to know all about these benefits, and tons of stories of Wisconsinites utilizing the benefits from President Biden's Affordable Clean Energy Plan. 

If you have any questions about any of these benefits, please feel free to reach out to me, Quinn Rowe, Federal Clean Energy Campaign Manager with WCV, at or at 715-204-9024, and I can guide you in the right direction. I hope you are all able to take advantage of these great cost savings benefits and can help us fight for a clean energy future! 

ELECTIONS     The Wisconsin Chapter has endorsed state candidates in the November 5 election. To learn more about it, please visit

Absentee-in-person voting begins on October 22 in most Coulee Region municipalities. Please check with your Clerk or get more information at

CRSC BOARD ELECTIONS     We are seeking candidates for the Coulee Region Sierra Club board. Elections will be in December. New terms begin in 2025. Terms are two years. The board meets monthly and plans club activities and events. 

If you are interested in serving your club, please email OR call or text 608-315-2693 with your name and a statement about why you are interested and your pertinent experience. If you need more information before deciding, please email, call, or text us.

We encourage club members living outside the La Crosse area to self-nominate, but everyone is welcome to run. We will publish information about voting by mail and online in November and candidates’ statements and ballots in December.

ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION GRANTS     For spring 2025, CRSC will offer grants of up to $200 each for environmental education projects to schools or community organizations involving young people at the elementary and middle school level within the CRSC region: Crawford, Grant, Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Richland, Trempealeau, and Vernon counties.
Applications may be completed online, emailed or mailed. The deadline for applications is January 3, 2025 with awards by January 31. For more information, visit

Funding for this program is possible thanks to an annual grant from the Paul E. Stry Foundation, shared dues from club memberships, calendar sales, and donations made by community members. To donate, email or call 608-315-2693. 

VERNON ELECTRIC SOLAR FARM     Vernon Electric Co-op’s new Bluff Prairie Community Solar Farm near De Soto, developed by OneEnergy, LLC, is ready for subscribers.
The annual cost per 1 kWh subscription is $50, with availability based upon previous energy use. Subscribers should see a 12% return on investment after the first year. Learn more at

 OCTOBER 8 HIGHWAY CLEANUP     Our fall highway cleanup will be on Tuesday, October 8 at 5:30 p.m. Please meet at the water pumping station just west from the Gillette Street/River Valley Drive intersection to get your bags, gloves, and safety vests.
If you have questions, please call us at 608-315-2693.

BIKE FRIENDLY SURVEY     The City of La Crosse recently applied for Bicycle Friendly Community status from the League of American Bicyclists! As part of their review process, the League wants your input on bicycling in La Crosse. If you’ve ever biked here, please take a minute to complete this survey and share your input: 

Help the League of American Bicyclists gain a better understanding of local bicyclists’ experiences and perceptions of bicycling in La Crosse.  The survey is open until October 15.

OCTOBER GLOBAL BIRDING BIG DAY     #BIRDSUNITEOURWORLD  October Big Day is an opportunity to unite around our shared love of birds. Last October, nearly 36,332 people from 191 countries submitted 83,735 checklists with eBird, demonstrating the power of birds to bring people together. 

Each year more and more participants join in this global celebration. You can join in all of Global Bird Weekend on October 11, 12, and 13, and submit your sightings - but remember October 12 is the BIG DAY! Learn more at

CRSC BOARD MEETING     CRSC board meets monthly online and members may attend. Email or call 608-315-2693 for the Zoom access information. The next meeting is October 29 at 6:30 p.m

TRANSFORMATIVE REC GRANTS     From Wisconsin Sierra Club, Sept. 6, 2024:

Yesterday President Biden was in Westby Wisconsin at the Vernon County Electric Co-op to announce some big news for all Dairyland Power Co-op customers and Wisconsin residents.
President Biden’s climate bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, provided a historic $7.3 billion funding for carbon reductions through the USDA’s Empowering Rural America (New ERA) program.  This is the largest investment in rural electricity since President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Rural Electrification Act into law in 1936.

Yesterday, the White House and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the winners of the grants and loans.  16 rural electric cooperatives, including Wisconsin’s Dairyland Power Co-op, will receive funding.  The New ERA program will fund investments in renewable energy, storage, transmission, and large-scale emissions reductions. This funding will allow these leading electric cooperatives—serving one-fifth of rural Americans—to accelerate the adoption of affordable and reliable clean energy, improving resilience and lowering costs for their members.

Dairyland Power Co-op will receive almost $573 million to procure 1,080 megawatts (MWs) of clean energy, including power purchase agreements for four solar installations and four wind power installations across rural Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa. 

What this massive investment means:

  • Dairyland customers’ electric rates are estimated to lower by 42 percent over 10 years than they would have been without the New ERA funding.
  • The award will drive an estimated $2.1 billion in clean energy investments throughout the region
  • Pollution will be reduced by an estimated 3 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually– the equivalent of taking 729,000 gasoline-powered cars off the road every year– or 90 million tons over the lifespan of the projects.  

Thank you, President Biden for bringing these investments to Wisconsin!


Read more about the role the Sierra Club played in this historic program at


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Save money, reduce carbon emissions, take action!


Join CRSC in welcoming Quinn Rowe of Wisconsin Conservation Voters for an online program about energy and money savings available through Clean Energy incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act.

From credits for renewables, to incentives for efficiency, the act offers a decade of reasons to make the switch. We'll learn about 

  • Clean Energy: 30 percent tax credit on solar, heat pumps, geothermal, and battery storage
  • Electric Vehicles: Up to $7,500 point-of-purchase tax credit for new vehicles, up to $4,000 for used vehicles
  • Energy Efficiency: 30 percent tax credit on insulation, windows, appliances, heating and cooling, and more
  • Incentives and resources for renters and landlords
  • Home energy audits and Focus on Energy programs
This is an online program available on Zoom and by phone dial-in. To register, please visit OR call 608-315-2693